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Happy Figurines
Maneki Neko

Happy figurines

    The legendary Japanese Happy Maneki Neko !

    On this happy fuigurines maneki neko piggy bank in the Japanese style we can see a Japanese splendor and joy. If you want to have a Japanese decoration then we recommend this Japanese lucky charm. The white cat wears a grelo around its neck. Japanese kanji and branches of Japanese sakura cherry trees symbolize beauty Having a maneki neko ceramic piggy bank will bring you wealth in your home! In Japanese folklore the Maneki Neko will bring you a lot of money as well as the members of the house.This porcelain statute as a ceramic piggy bank with Kanji pattern is known by all and can be found in the majority of stores anchored in Japanese culture. it is very easy to find where to buy your maneki neko.


    • Material: Porcelain
    • Size : 11 x 8.cm
    • Craft Creation 
    • A unique style
    • Free delivery